Sahara Hotel Casino Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Opening
Sahara Hotels and Casino celebrates its 50th anniversary by opening the premier of the first interactive website featuring the history of Las Vegas casinos.
Designed by Geary Interactive, a locally based interactive agency, the site offers locals and visitors around the world the opportunity to enjoy and communicate Las Vegas' rich and colorful history as part of a yearlong celebration of Sahara Hotels and Casino.
The Interactive History Timeline website is launching during Las Vegas Tourism Week from May 5 to 1. Sahara Hotels and Casinos is using this new medium to replace traditional anniversary parties. Through the new site, visitors can celebrate at the hotel all year round instead of a one-off event. The anniversary never stops.
One of the most popular aspects of the site is that it has been able to browse through each of the past 50 years in themed settings that contain hidden elements that users can navigate. Visitors to the site can enjoy anniversaries, special events, and overall Las Vegas updates. They can also submit their own experiences in the Sahara and become part of history. Other elements allow users to experience the Sahara's historical stories, images, and audio voices, as well as witness the latest flash script technology. Geary Interactive has set up the site in a scalable manner, allowing Sahara hotels and casinos to frequently expand and add content for site visitors, keeping it fresh and "state-of-the-art."
"Sahara's anniversary site offers endless support to visitors from all over the world," says Andreas Roel, president of Geary Interactive. "We're excited to partner with Sahara Hotels and Casinos in this project and be a part of our 50th anniversary kickoff. Users will be able to have an enjoyable time with the site, whether they've visited Las Vegas once or dozens of times." 안전 슬롯사이트